EYFS and KS1
The Missing Caveman
Our mystery in the museum begins when a strange locked box is discovered in alarming circumstances. Could it explain who - or what - has been destroying the exhibitions every night? And what are we going to do now with a caveman loose in your school!
Using 3D designed backdrops, resources and props we will bring the Museum of Mystery to your school hall. With live theatre and interactive videos we will set your children on a quest - a hands-on maths adventure - that they will remember for a long time to come!
The children will race against time to rebuild each exhibit, find the hidden numbers and unlock the box, before our caveman returns!
This fast-paced adventure is for children from EYFS to KS1, the children will need to use their maths skills to build, sort, throw, count and match their way through the zones.
Each zone is designed and delivered by a Primary Maths Specialist and linked to their own year group curriculum.